Your journey is an experience unique to you and what you want to receive from it. This is true of every journey you take. As your psilocybin facilitator, I am trained to set the stage for a meaningful and transformative experience for you while keeping you safe and comfortable.
Your journey includes Prep, Administration, and Integration Sessions. See details, below.
Pre-Journey Prep Sessions
Your Pre-Journey Prep Sessions include a minimum of two one-hour sessions, required by law. In these sessions, we go over expectations, complete required OPS documentation, answer any questions you might have, and discuss techniques and intentions to improve the outcome of your journey.
Psilocybin Journey (Administration)
On the day of your Journey, you will be given a dose of psilocybin mushrooms you have decided is best for you at this time. The intensity and duration of your journey will be largely impacted by the dosage you choose. A moderate dose typically lasts up to four hours and a larger dose - called a heroic dose - can last up to six or more hours. We will go over this in detail during your Pre-Journey Sessions.
Post-Journey Session (Integration)
After your journey, we will meet to debrief your experience and discuss the many ways you can integrate it into your life. This session is optional, but I highly recommend it so you can deepen the impact of your journey and make the most of the time, money, and intentions you invested in it.